For those who don't know an ssh from an xterm, direct your browser to:
1. Pick the Buildroot (Linux) X Window version to boot.
2. It will take a moment or two to start the system and open a X Window Environment
3. Right Click anywhere in the large window area and select Terminal and left click on that selection.
4. Use SSH to connect to our system, via our login instructions.
5. Issue the command: telnet 3b2
6. Login to the 3B2 using the credentials we provided to you.
7. CTRL-Middle Click in the Terminal Window and select "Switch to Tek Mode"
8. Issue the command: graphics
(at the shell prompt)
9. Enjoy the graphics system!
10. CTRL-Middle Click in the Tektronix(Tek) Window and select "Switch to VT Mode"
(if you wish to switch back to VT-100 Terminal mode)
(Repeat Step 7 if you wish to go back to TEK (graphics) Mode)